“We know where we want to go, but we don’t have all the answers yet.”

At IDÉ House of Brands, we take sustainability issues seriously, and for this reason, we strive to promote transparency and more sustainable operating models in the industry as a whole. Our goal is to increase transparency throughout the production chain, from raw material to production and delivery.
We want to set an example of good business practices by maintaining respect for people, society and the environment in all our activities.
It is easy to choose sustainable alternatives at IDÉ House of Brands. By this we mean the choice of more responsible materials and more sustainable and environmentally friendly manufacturing and delivery methods, without forgetting perhaps the most important thing, high-quality and long-lasting products.

Wenche Moseng
Head of Sustainability and Product Quality
Miia Rautemaa Sustainability & Development Manager

Kjersti Lillebo Whist Projectlead CSRD
“We do our outmost to meet fundamental
responsibilities in
the areas of human
rights and decent
working conditions”
IDÉ House of Brands Sustainability TeamPARTNER LOYALTY
We have a written cooperation agreement with 233 partners. In order to control our supply chain, we have set a goal that 90% of our purchases should go via these partners. We call this "partner loyalty". The remaining 10% includes catering, purchase for office operations, warehouse rental, specific brands that customers request and so forth. Partner loyalty is at 86% in 2023.
We expect our partners and their subcontractors to work focused and systematically to comply with our guidelines, including our Code of Conduct, which cover basic requirements for human rights, labor rights, anti-corruption, animal welfare and the environment.
Our partners is obliged to provide us information on how due diligence assessments are carried out, and how negative consequences on basic human rights and decent working conditions are handled. This is in accordance with the information obligation in the Transparency Act.

Focus on product safety, quality and sustainability has been a priority for IDÉ House of Brands for many years.
Our employees carry out risk assessments and acquire knowledge of applicable laws and regulations. As a tool to ensure this work we have developed the "Stop and think" model. This tool includes our 5 principles for sustainable business practice: TARGET GROUP, RISK ASSESSMENT, LIFE CYCLE, MANUFACTURER, ENVIRONMENT.
In addition, we use our guidelines for those product categories that need special attention (e.g toys, electronics, products that will be used with food). These guidelines are available for all employees and our suppliers.
Our sustainability and product safety team monitors incoming orders and maintains a close dialogue with our suppliers to ensure necessary testing and labeling, to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
All companies are expected by the Norwegian authorities to identify, prevent, mitigate, and account for how they manage the risk of negative impact and harm to people, society, and the environment. This applies to both the business sector, public sector, and organizations. Starting from July 1, 2022, larger enterprises are, through the Transparency Act, legally required to perform this work and demonstrate transparency by publicly reporting on their efforts.

ESG = ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. It is a framework used to evaluate a company's sustainability and ethical impact and its ability to effectively manage and mitigate those impacts, typically environmental or social.
Since cooperation is the key in changing the world towards more sustainable practices, we have chosen to join certain networks and associations to help us be more effective in our sustainability work. In the below picture you can see those chosen actors mapped according to the sector, to which they are focused with.
Read more about our sustainability work and commitments with each one of those actors.
"We believe that a more sustainable future is something we all share,
so we can best influence it together".

In partnership with Treebytree, we are working towards a sustainable future by restoring critical landscapes which help the planet thrive.
Treebytree and their partners work around the world to ensure restorative impacts are meaningful, uniquely claimed, and perform as intended.
All employees in IDÉ House of Brands receives a tree as birthday gift. The goal is to plant a forest, see the IDÉ forest here
IDÉ House of Brands invests in the tree planting project “Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park”, which is in Ayeyarwady Region of Myanmar. The project is certified and aligned with the SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) for social and environmental enhancement. This moves society in the right direction to reach a low-carbon economy.
In addition to the climate effect, the project provides work and income to the local population, which supports two of our sustainability goals: goal 4 Quality Education and Goal 8 Decent work and economic growth.

In an industry where logistics forms a large part of the value chain, it is critical to take the necessary steps to limit the footprint on the environment per shipment. We work actively to reduce unnecessary transport and we are committed to choose the best possible solution for the environment every time.
In 2023, we had a total of 184 shipments arranged by IDÉ, of which 171 shipments were by boat and 13 by plane. Planning ahead is crucial for finding the most environmentally friendly transport. The more time we have the better.
We are completely dependent on good logistic partners and one of the most important measures we take here at IDÉ is to work exclusively with those who have the same goal as us: Reduce total emissions.
Today, all our logistics partners must deliver emission reports and we base further measures for more environmentally friendly logistics on those reports.

More information regarding our sustainable choices regarding packaging will follow.