Visible with banner, rollups and giveaways
Are you going on a fair or an event, and want to stand out from your competitors?
It has never been more important to clarify who you are and how you best can added value for your costumers. Are you able to convey this with relevant communication on the right product, this will result in better visibility for the costumers, at the same time as the company builds its own brand.
Are you going to attend on a fair or an event, is good visibility especially important. Make sure you are visible with a clear message in everything you communicate. Whether it's rollups, banners, through clothing, merch or giveaways.
The products and produdt media used for fairs and events are also effective on later occasions. Whether it is on a kick off, in the office, on a business trip or other events with the employees. The product build pride and help to create a sense of community among the employees.
The rate of attention for humans has decreased from 12 to 8 seconds since 2015. The attention rate for a golf fish is 8 seconds.
It is not strange that it can feel difficult to get the costumers to stop by your stand at a fair.

Start planning early
In order to succed with your fair partipation, it is important that you start planning early. How much space do you need on your stand, who attends the fair, which of your competitors will be there, what kind of equipment and display products do you need? -
Make clear goals
What do you want to acheive by being at the fair? Whether it is getting new customers to the company or creating buzz about a new product. It is important to have a clear and concrete goals to acheive the best results. -
Decide the design of the stand
What should our stand look like and how many square meters do you have available. Design, size and layout can be easily adapted to specific goals. It is also important that the design of the stand reflects your company's profile, both in terms of choosing color and text. -
Giving away a giveaway or multiple giveaways makes your visitors leave the fair with a good impression. In fact, as many as 88% remember who gave them the product media 12 months later. And if that was not enough to choose your product media as a surprise to potential customers, then it is also worth mentioning that around 40% of giveaways lead to increased business opportunities. See our entire large range here. -
Promote yourself in advance
Tell your customers and partners where they can find you. Why should they drop by your stand in a amount of other exhibitors? What makes your stand unique and what can you offer your visitors? Use newsletters, social media and the webpage to your advantage. Should you offer a discount to everyone who visits you, or do you have a brand new product no one else has seen before or a great giveaway? -
Being prepared gives confidence which leads to trust. Who will represent the company at the fair? Spend time together and practice presentation techniques. Make sure you can answer the important questions. -
Follow up
Follow up on everyone you spoke to at the fair. If you have written down who you have talked to during the fair, this makes the job of following up easier. Be active and attentive, show that you remember who they are, what they were interested in and give them a concrete offer.