Food as a corporate gift
IDÉ House of Brands delivers food and drink to the corporate market. What we eat is no longer a coincidence. Travel, lifestyle, impulses from home and abroad are raising awareness and have led many people to be passionate about food and drink.
Our IDÉA is that we should be able to offer food that reflects the trends that prevail today without forgetting our good Norwegian traditions. Over the years, it has become more and more common to give away food gifts to customers and employees.
Delight the recipient
We have a wide range of products that can be given away throughout the year, to the delight and inspiration of the recipient. We also have many products that you can make your mark on, perfect when you want a product with a logo that also taste good. We have a wide range consisting of everything from caramels, chocolates and candies to cured meats, oils and spices.
Good partners
We have found partners we are conficent in and who understand our customers' needs. This is important, because if you want to put your name on something, it must also give the recipient a good experience. Our partners always focus on quality and food safety.
Locally produced is well traveled
Locally produced and un-traveled are concepts that we are aware of here in Norway. We want to think about the environment, economy and quality by taking care of our small, local producers.
The impact on the environment is great on goods that are transported home from abourd, and we can help reduce emissions by shopping locally. Furthermore, buying locally also stimulates the Norwegian economy in the districts, and contributes to more people daring to more people daring to invest in exactly their idea.
We at IDÉ are committed to helping to increase the proportion of locally and non-short-haul products sold in our industry. That is why we work every year with small local players to develop a range that is suitable for our B2B customers. Small local prosecutors are often also more flexible and this gives us the opportunity to create completely unique solutions for our customers.
Take, for example, our partner Stølen Bakery at Beitostølen, which for several years has helped us deliver finished cake boxes with "The seven varieties". The girls at Tunet, the chocolate manufacturer from Trondheim, have chocolate that looks like the Northern Lights, can you imagine a nicer representation gift for Norwegian companies with foreign customers?
Local products often create a sense of ownership in a local recipient - therefore, something short-lived and local may be the product medium you need to strengthen their internal or external identity.