To IDÉ House of Brands' stakeholders

We want your help in fighting corruption, corporate crime, unacceptable behavior, and violations of IDÉ House of Brands Code of Conduct. All notifications of violations are important, and help to secure partners and employees, improve our working environment, prevent financial loss and damage our reputation. 

To notify is about telling if something is not as it should be and is an important tool for being able to uncover and improve matters worthy of criticism. This notification has great value for IDÉ and helps us be the work place we want to be. 

At IDÉ House of Brands, we rely on our employees, partners, customers and whoever feel “faul play” to report if they become aware of matters worthy of criticism. Employees have the right and the responsibility to raise concerns when detected. External parties are also encouraged to report on concerns. 

It is of the utmost importance that all cases are treated in confidence and that the process is conducted in a manner that the whistleblower feels comfortable. That is why we have a third-party service for whistleblowing operated by BDO AS.  It is up to the whistleblower what information is given and how much, but we urge you to give us as much information as possible to be able to handle your concern in a proper manner. 


We have the following core principles for how to handle reported concerns.  

  • All reports shall be taken seriously. 
  • All reports shall be processed in a timely manner – Within 7 days after reported. 
  • Anonymous reporting shall be processed.  
  • Anonymous sources may be as valuable as open sources.  
  • All reports are processed in a confidential manner.  
  • The whistleblowing channel should be used without fear of consequences or retaliation.  
  • The whistleblower shall, whenever possible, receive confirmation once the report has been received.  
  • The whistleblower shall, whenever possible, receive timely feedback once the report has been processed.  

Thank you for helping us making IDÉ House of Brands to an even better plae to work!