From Innovation to Inspiration
When new products are to be developed, or existing products are to be further developed, two factors are crucial to getting a good result: Innovation and inspiration. But what do we really put in those terms?
Innovation needs inspiration
We work with the concept in two ways. On one hand, we work with innovation when we further develop and improve existing products. These can be new materials, functionality, trends and requirements in the market. On the other hand, we always try to be innovative when we create new products. For us it is so simple, all innovation must create value for our customers, otherwise, we are not good enough.
That is why we always have the customer in focus. We follow the development of society, and we go to great lengths to create sustainable and environmentally friendly products. And last but not least, the inspiration must be in place. From inspiration comes good innovation. But what inspires us?
Inspiration can be a lot, and there is no definitive answer to what it is, not where it comes from. It could be the song that gives you goosebumps in the car on the way to the office. It can be a deep blue color that you discover when you flip through a magazine, and it can be the shape of a mushroom you find in the woods. Or it could be a person who impresses you. And even though we are inspired by color trends, the environment and nature, it is especially people who inspire us.

IDÉ and inspiration
For us, it's about cooperation. To create the most innovative, sustainable and useful products, it is through good cooperation that our most fruitful, creative processes emerge. We work best when we get to work with you. Our relationship with our customers is our mainstay, and we are inspired by having a close and open relationship with you. The better the relationship, the better the collaboration. The industry has changed, and today we are closer to consumers than ever before. In the wake of that, even better products are created - products with value, and products that hit. For us, a good product is a product that reflects the customer. We have a desire to participate in the process from the start so that we can be creative together, and find the optimal products when we reach the goal. It does not necessarily have to be the latest, the most innovative or the hottest on the market - sometimes it is a simple mug with the right message that hits best. With several of our customers, we sit down at the beginning of the year, see what activities they have planned, and what type of products fit where. A good process gives good results. Let us help you complement your marketing plan and develop products that support the rest of your campaign. We work best when we work with you.